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The Leuser Ecosystem is the last place on earth where the critically endangered Sumatran orangutan, tiger, elephant and rhinoceros coexist  in the wild.

Facing an ever increasing threat from poaching and habitat destruction, there has never been greater urgency to increase protection of these magnificent species.



The Batu Kapal Conservation Sanctuary is in North Sumatra, in a critical wildlife buffer zone on private landholdings in the Leuser Ecosystem, adjacent to the UNESCO World Heritage Listed Gunung Leuser National Park, the last place on earth where orangutans, elephant, rhinoceros and tigers co-exist in the wild.

Our sanctuary is 20 minutes by motor bike or a 1 hour walk from the Bukit Lawang village, in the heart of the Sumatran jungle on the tranquil Landak River, ensuring you will feel a world away from the hustle and bustle of village life, as soon as you arrive in this hidden paradise.

Our place is surrounded by nature and geological formations, with frequent visits from the local population of wild orangutans and sightings of porcupines and civet cats. We have resident wild populations of  thomas leaf monkeys, dusky monkeys, macaques, water monitors, geckos and slow loris on the property as well as many birds, butterflies, dragon flies, frogs and insects.

The aim of our project is to protect and conserve the rare and endangered orangutan and native fauna and flora that live in this wildlife biolink, ensuring the long term survival of these animals, by protecting the ecosystem needed for their survival.

batu kapal conservation team