The future is in our hands

Come and volunteer with us in Sumatra!

Our projects have been significantly impacted by the coronavirus pandemic and travel disruption.

Please support our volunteering programs during this difficult time.

Get a hands on experience in conservation and community work

Want to give back to the local community?

Whether you are a budding conservationist or someone new to conservation, we would love to hear from you. Students on their gap year, traveling couples and families, and experienced conservationists – all are welcome! 

Our volunteers are a diverse group of people from different corners of the world, all sharing the same enthusiasm for helping others and protecting this unique place on Earth.

Our Volunteer Program

Join us on a 1 to 8 week jungle adventure to help protect the endangered wild Sumatran Orang-Utan and other animals occurring in this biodiversity hotspot in one of the oldest and most beautiful rainforests in the world!

Immerse yourself in the jungle. Wake to the sounds of gibbons calling every morning!

  1. You can volunteer in a number of ways. Short-term volunteering can be included in your tour or trek to Sumatra with our partner Sumatra Adventure Holidays or you can stay and volunteer for an extended time to make a more lasting impact.

Our Volunteer Program.

Be amazed by the abundance of wildlife in this rare and beautiful Biolink area adjoining the Gunung Leuser national park.

Make memories and friendships that last a life time.

Immerse yourself in the local culture. Meet the locals, they will make you will feel like one of their family!

Explore the jungle, rivers, markets and surrounding villages in your free time.

About the Project

By joining our team at the Batu Kapal Conservation Sanctuary, you will be assisting on a vital conservation project to protect the endangered Orang-utan and stunning rainforest ecosystem occurring in the national park buffer zone occurring on private landholdings.

Sumatra represent the last remaining natural habitat for Orang-utans in Indonesia. the Sumatran Orang-utan is now classified as critically endangered.

Forest cover in Sumatra was reduced by 61% from 1985-1997 due to logging, infrastructure development, internal migration, and plantation development. The Sumatran Orang-utan population has decreased by 86% over the past 100 years.  The most recent estimate places the figure around 7,300 left in the wild, with steady losses occurring every year.

Specific conservation activities include

  • observe, map, monitor, survey, photograph and GPS record habitats, large corridor trees, flora and fauna in the Batu Kapal conservation project area, including orang-utans, slow loris, other animals and birds
  • create wildlife corridors to reconnect orangutan & animal habitats to GLNP through, nursery activities, seed collecting, propagation,  tree and bamboo plantings, making bamboo tree guards and establishing rope bridge crossings
  • locating, identifying, GPS recording and monitoring orang-utans and other primates daily activity pattern, including migration paths and feeding, resting and travelling patterns
  • dusk and dawn slow loris, civet cat and porcupine walks by spot light to gps, photograph and record sightings
  • taking samples of fruit trails to analyse the orang-utan’s  and other primates food in the specific area
  • gps, record and map every ficus, trembesi and pakam tree in the area and record when fruiting, as these are important trees for orangutans and map them on google earthpro
  • gps all orangutan nests in the area and map them on google earth pro
  • identify individual orangutans, taking photos of individual orangutans for records
  • identifying and GPS mapping new points of interest in the Batu Kapal Conservation area
  • preparing, consolidating and analysing point of interest data sheets on excel spreadsheet data base
  • assist with cleaning and rubbish removal on trails, in the conservation site and along the river once a week.
  • maintaining work at the base
  • volunteers are responsible for cleaning and maintaining their volunteer dormitory and bathroom,  helping with the cooking for volunteers and washing their dishes

Please contact us at [email protected] to learn more, receive a volunteer pack and apply for one of our programs. Check out our programs below.

Find out more

Batu Kapal Conservation Program

Volunteer Program Details

Our fees of $490US for the first week, then discounted to $40US a day for day 8 onwards. Your fees include your accommodation, transport to and from Medan airport or hotel, three meals per day, tea, coffee and drinking water at the project site and the onsite programmed volunteer activities.

All proceeds of the volunteer program are reinvested in our conservation programs to achieve our conservation goals and to cover the programs operating costs. 



Accommodation during your time will be shared tree house dormitory style accommodation with shared bathroom 

Education and Community Projects

Would you like to help give the children a brighter future? Come to support our Education programs by volunteering to teach English to the local children at our jungle schools.

You can also volunteer in a number of community programs. From assisting with our recycling and upcycling initiative ROAR to helping us devise and implement the new women’s training program, the opportunities are many.

If you would like to participate in any of our volunteering initiatives please contact us at [email protected]

Hear From Our Volunteers


We’ve had many talented and creative volunteers come and participate in our programs.


Check out what they have to say about their experiences.

Watch the video by our volunteer Cindy, who shares her recent experience of volunteering with Batu Kapal Conservation.

A huge thank you to all our Volunteers

We Couldn't Do This Without You!


Batu Kapal
Bohorok, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

Registered Address: 

Indonesian Foundation

Yasasan Peduli Lingkungan Untuk Anak

Jln Sungai Landak 

Batu Kapal, Langkat Regency 

Bahorok 20774


Sumatra Indonesia