Our mission is to support education in North Sumatra by connecting dedicated volunteers with local schools and communities.
Our vision is for equal opportunities in North Sumatra for everyone to succeed and thrive.
We offer free lessons in English and environmental education to children at the local schools and to the wider community in remote areas of North Sumatra.
Come and visit us and help teach English to our children, or help with one of our community projects!
Learn more about volunteering opportunities. Please contact us at [email protected], or follow the link below.
In 2015, we raised money to build a small classroom to hold free English lessons for the local children in the afternoons after school. Since then, our classes have expanded and we now provide English education to the local children and families in a few remote villages of North Sumatra.
Our classes are focused on English and environmental education, including climate change and nature conservation. As part of our education program, we teach children how to care for nature and our planet. We take them on trips to local eco-farming sites to teach about composting and making biogas.
We also have dedicated volunteers who run local soccer classes.
On November 17th, 2020, our jungle school at Selang Pangeran in Sumatra washed away in the flood. The Landak River rose between 5 and 10 metres over night. Thankfully everyone was safe, however, a lot of damage has been done to many homes, guesthouses and our precious school.
Thankfully through the generous support from many of our followers, we have been able to start the works and fund the repairs. Follow the link to our campaign.
In July 2019, we started free English and Indonesian lessons for approximately 40 homeless children who live behind the Gotong Royong market, many of whom can not afford to go to school. We wish to give those children a brighter future.
Unfortunately, we had to pause our Sunshine Class due to Covid-19 pandemic. We are waiting with impatience for the opportunity to welcome new volunteers and resume our lessons.
Please support our Sunshine Class so that we can restart our classes, hopefully, in the near future.
Sumatra Dream Class was established to ensure that the children in a remote Sumatran village of Porli get the chance to learn how to speak English and to preserve the beautiful nature that surrounds them.
The project is led by an ambitious young team born and raised in the village called Porli, who wants to make a difference for the next generation. Santa, the project founder, had lived under hard circumstances and had to leave the village to earn a living. When he came back, he saw and experienced for himself the impacts of deforestation, pollution and climate change, on nature and health of his local community, and made it his goal to reverse these trends through education and training. His dream is to create more opportunities for the local children and young adults.
To learn more about Sumatra Dream Class, please visit the project website.
Batu Kapal
Bohorok, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Registered Address: CareSumatra Inc.
288 Colonial Drive
Norton Summit 5136
South Australia